It’s not snowing — it’s that pesky cottonwood.
One common problem that many homeowners face during the summer is cottonwood. These pesky little seeds can clog up our air conditioning units, causing a host of trouble. In this blog, we will explore what cottonwood is, how it can damage your air conditioner, and what steps you can take to protect your cooling equipment from cottonwood.
Cottonwood, or cottonwood fluff, is a type of seed that comes from cottonwood trees. These trees are popular in many areas of North America, and they produce large quantities of these seeds in the spring and summer months. Cottonwood seeds are light and fluffy, and when the wind blows, they can be carried for miles.
While these trees are great for shade and can enhance the beauty of your house and property, their seeds can be detrimental to your AC unit.
Cottonwood may seem harmless, but it can cause significant damage to your air conditioning unit if it is not removed promptly. When cottonwood seeds make their way into your air conditioner, they can clog up the air filter. This can cause your HVAC unit to work harder to circulate cool air throughout your home.
If the cottonwood is not removed, it can build up in the coils of your cooling equipment. This can cause the coils to become less efficient at transferring heat, leading to a less effective system and lower energy efficiency. The buildup of cottonwood can also cause the system to overheat and break down, which can be costly to repair.
Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to protect your AC unit from cottonwood and control the problem. Here are some ideas and tips to follow:
Cottonwood seeds are most likely to be released during warm, dry, and windy conditions. Keeping an eye on the weather can help you be prepared for when cottonwood is at its worst.
If you have cottonwood trees on your property, consider removing them or moving them further away from your AC unit. If this project is not possible, consider planting other trees and plants in between the cottonwood and your AC.
Regular yard maintenance can help prevent the buildup of cottonwood in and around your AC unit. Raking and removing cottonwood seeds from your yard can help reduce the amount that makes its way into your AC.
You need to replace your air filter regularly – this is an innovative solution that can help prevent the buildup of cottonwood in your AC unit and help you maintain good indoor air quality. A clean air filter can also improve the efficiency of your AC unit by allowing air to circulate more freely.
Cleaning off cottonwood from cooling systems is a job that you can do with a garden hose. Start by turning off the power to your AC unit and removing any loose debris from the surface with a soft brush. Then, use a garden hose to spray water from top to bottom, making sure not to use high pressure, as it can damage the fragile fins. If the cottonwood is particularly stubborn, you can use a fin comb to gently straighten the fins and remove any remaining debris. Finally, make sure the unit is completely dry before turning it back on.
If you are experiencing problems with cottonwood buildup in your AC systems, consider hiring a professional heating air conditioning company to clean the unit. A professional has the expertise to safely and effectively service the system and remove any cottonwood buildup. They can also schedule and complete any AC system repairs to correct system damage.
Cottonwood may seem harmless, but it can cause significant damage to your AC equipment if it is not addressed promptly. To protect your AC from cottonwood, contact the Williams Comfort Air team to schedule maintenance service or repairs for your AC equipment.