A kitchen with a stove top oven and a sink

Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Company in Indianapolis

How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a process that removes inorganic solids such as salt from water. It uses your home’s water pressure to push tap water through a semipermeable membrane. The end result is excellent drinking water that is free of impurities such as:

  • Fluoride
  • Lead
  • Chlorine and Chloramine
  • Nitrates and Sulfates
  • Pesticides
  • Detergents and More

Why Should You Consider a Reverse Osmosis System for Your Home

  • RO filtration improves the taste and smell of your tap water by filtering out impurities.
  • You can save money with an RO system. You won’t need a water delivery service and you can stop buying bottled water.
  • An RO system is easy to clean and maintain.
  • You water will be more healthy since a RO system removed impurities including nitrates, pesticides, sulfates, fluoride, bacteria, pharmaceuticals, arsenic, and much more. Plus, the carbon filter in the RO system will remove chlorine and chloramines.

What Does Reverse Osmosis Remove from the Water?

A reverse osmosis system will filter the majority of minerals (both healthy and unhealthy) and chemical materials from water, including salt, fluoride, lead, manganese, iron, and calcium.

There is no need to worry about the removal of the healthy minerals. The inorganic minerals in water cannot be digested by our bodies, so removing the minerals does not affect the healthiness of the water. Minerals contained in food are in a form that we can digest.

Friendly Service. Certified Technicians. Happy Clients.

Our Guarantees

No Guesswork

When we say "This is how much it is" that's how much it is. Period.

"It Will Work"

No excuses or stories, just service when you need it!

100% Money-Back Satisfaction

We'll make it right or remove the system and return 100% of your money.

Client Respect

If we dirty it, we'll clean it. If we damage it, we'll fix it. Plain and simple.

Safe and Secure

The right company and the right people in your home, ensuring your job is done right and your peace of mind is protected.

Reverse Osmosis Calls Are Answered 24/7/365

Do I Need RO if I Have a Water Softener?

Even with the use of a water softener, impurities may still be in the water you drink and use for washing and cooling food. A reverse osmosis system can remove those impurities, including 98% of the sodium left by the water-softening process.

A reverse osmosis system and a water softener combination has additional benefits.

  • A water softener protects a reverse osmosis system because removing calcium and magnesium from water is difficult for a RO system. Since these are the minerals found in hard water, the water softener will reduce the water hardness, protecting the reverse osmosis unit and extending its life.
  • A water softener will provide soft water throughout your home, but a reverse osmosis system provides purer drinking water my removing most impurities including the salt left behind by the water softener.
  • Water softeners can save you money on utility bills because water-using appliances will operate more efficiently, using less energy. Plus, soft water can lengthen the life of those appliances. A reverse osmosis system saves money by eliminating the need for a water service and bottled water.

Chlorine… Good or Bad?

GOOD… Chlorine has done a good job in killing off most microorganisms in the water.

BAD… Chlorine treatment does not absolutely ensure that your water is safe to drink.

HEALTH RISKS… Cancer risk among people using chlorinated water is as much as 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.

Chlorine in Your Drinking Water… What Do You Need to Know?

We have relied on chlorine to purify our water and kill unwanted microorganisms, and it has done a good job of killing most of them for over 100 years. But there are some down sides.

Our water quality expert can visit your home and analyze your water for only $17. Chlorine is only one of the things that the water quality analysis can reveal.

Facts About Drinking Water

  • Water makes up approximately 70% of a human’s body weight – but DON’T stop drinking water to lose weight!
  • Approximately 80% of your brain tissue is made of water (about the same % of water found in a living tree).
  • The average amount of water you need per day is about 3 liters (13 cups) for men and 2.2 liters (9 cups) for women.
  • By the time you feel thirsty, your body has lost more than 1% of its total water.
  • Drinking water can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism, which helps burn calories faster.
  • The average person could live without food for nearly a month, but we could only survive about one week without water—that’s how essential water is to human life.
  • Good hydration can prevent arthritis. With plenty of water in your body, there is less friction in your joints, thus less chance of developing arthritis.
  • Drinking enough water everyday can help reduce heart disease and cancer. Water helps flush toxins out of your body, and the fewer toxins that come into contact with your colon, bladder, and other organs, the less chance that critical ailments can develop.
  • Good hydration can help reduce cavities and tooth decay. Water helps produce saliva, which keeps your mouth and teeth clean.

Who Is MAX?

Max is an important part of our team. He is more than just a cartoon character. Max represents our commitment to quality work, craftsmanship, pride, and our passion to serve our clients and community. We celebrate this mentality through Max because these are the values that drive us to be the area’s most complete and comprehensive home service company. So, now when you see Max, you’ll know the story behind the man with the mustache!